Time for spring cleaning! Whether it be your desk at work, that pesky pile of mail on your kitchen table or your closet of clothes you’ve been meaning to go through. Take the next few weeks to refresh and you’ll start to feel that spring energy… even on the rainy days!

Tip of the Month...

Are you trying to get your brand out there, but are having trouble creating content? Here are some tips from highly successful content creators.

All our best,

The TNS Group

Employee Spotlight: Matt Schenkman and MuckFest


Our very own Matt Schenkman recently participated in MuckFest MS, the mud run to support the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society. Matt and his “Muck-ception” team headed up to Boston to tackle the mud and obstacles, on the course, to further the mission of the Society.  Matt personally raised over $2,700 and the team as a whole surpassed the $5,500 mark.

Matt has a personal connection to MS and has been raising money and participating in the event since 2013.  All of the participants involved are there to fight against Multiple Sclerosis by fundraising, raising awareness and completing the course with determination.

Click here to donate to Muck-ception and help the National MS Society.

Featured Solution

Why Do You Need Email Backups?

Like most companies, the amount of email you’ve sent and received over the past decade has been increasing exponentially. Email is convenient, flexible, and can be used to keep extensive records of everything we do in the workplace.Has your boss ever asked you to dig out an email about a previous project?

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June Reads
Featured Solution
TNS Gives Back

The TNS Group was a proud sponsor the Boys and Girls Club Stamford 5k on May 22nd.

Mission: To Enable All Youth, Especially Those Who Need Us Most, to Reach Their Full Potential as Productive, Caring, and Responsible Citizens.


Browntown’s Tech Corner

Check back next month for more tech tips, tricks and charm!

Categories: MSP News