Happy New Year to all of you! 2021 is an opportunity for a fresh start. New year, new goals! After some of the hardships we all experienced throughout 2020 due to quarantine, it's time to celebrate and come together.

Tip of the Month...

Worried about not seeing loved ones on a consistent basis? Video chat with everyone who's special to you through Office 365. Microsoft Teams provides a great way to keep in touch personally and professionally. Learn more here.

All our best, 
The TNS Group

Solution Spotlight

Business is becoming more digitized every day. Now is a better time than ever to automate your business operations in new and innovative ways. The possibilities are endless. IT Consulting services through a Managed Service Provider (MSP) provides the opportunity to develop your business strategy through technology.

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TNS Link is a referral program that provides an opportunity to create another facet of our existing partnerships.  By recommending partners, friends, associates or professional contacts, you can turn their technology into an asset by creating a worry-free IT environment, and reap some rewards along the way. Click on the image below to learn more.

January Reads
Thank you to all of our Wonderful Clients!


Meet our Newest Team Members

Please Welcome John Fernandez to our Team

Tech Tip Tuesday!

Tech Tips!

Click here to check out the full series and don't forget to follow us on YouTube!


Categories: MSP News