The use of personal devices in the workplace has now become standard. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies at work have increased efficiency and decreased spending. Most employees feel more comfortable and confident working on their own phones and tablets for efficiency purposes. 

Although these are great benefits for any organization, ultimately this kind of policy increases your risk of a data breach. This is due to the fact that BYOD gives your team members access to sensitive company data at all times. Not just when they’re at work.

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According to a recent Security Intelligence Survey, BYOD policies are also on the rise—but device security still lags behind. The survey found that 60% of businesses currently let employees bring their own devices, but only 10% have a defined plan to authorize and secure them. 

Historically speaking, BYOD policies have been in the nes due to data breaches. There's always a new form of malware hiding around every corner. For example, a couple years ago in 2017, a BYOD policy was blamed for a massive cryptocurrency breach in South Korea. 

This attack occurred when an employee of bithumb had his computer hacked. This is a perfect example of how BYOD can negatively impact your organization and data. According to Brave New Coin the data that was exposed was the personal names, email and mobile numbers of customers. 

Two thirds of businesses reported their organization has experienced at least one data breach in the past 12 months, and nearly three in four of those data breaches involved the loss or theft of paper documents or electronic devices containing sensitive information, according to the Shred-it report conducted by the Ponemon Institute. You need a plan for when everyday disasters like these occur. This kind of event could put your organization out of business depending on what files and information was accessed. 

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All different kinds of companies share a common enemy when it comes to data breaches, and that’s employee negligence. Not surprisingly, the evolution of cybercrime in recent years shows attacks consistently rely on the human factor to succeed. The percentages with which these kinds of attacks are occurring has increased in 2018, to 21%,only to return to 20% in 2019.

99,9% of the time an employee isn’t clicking on a malicious link because they want to hurt your company. They just don’t realize that what they’re doing is damaging. Lthough there is a ton of educational resources to use there are also solutions to ensure that your team member’s devices are protected and being used in an appropriate manner. 

This is where Mobile Device Management (MDM)  comes in. No matter the device or the team members location, mobile device management software allows an MSP to secure corporate data and personal data.

Is cybersecurity a priority in your organization? According to a new study by Verizon that surveyed 671 professionals in charge of mobile device procurement and management in their organizations, one in three organizations admitted to suffering a compromise due to a mobile device. 

The positive aspects of BYOD do not outweigh the results of losing sensitive company information. Depending on what kind of organization you are this could result in hefty fines as well. A Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution allows you to reap the benefits of a BYOD policy without the security concerns.

With Mobile Device Management software an MSP will act as your personal mobile operator and handle all security management. 

Safe Remote Access

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One of the best benefits of MDM is that it allows your team to safely access the company network from outside of the office. Working “on-the-go” is a trend that is becoming more prevalent in our daily lives. Some olf the previous mentioned situations are neough to give any business owner anxiety. 

Your data is your life and keeping it protected should be a priority. 

Many of us are striving to improve our work-life balance and in doing so, we are working on an as needed basis to address issues timely to alleviate matters turning into a “crisis.” An MDM layer provides users remote access to corporate applications from their mobile workspaces while using  their managed devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs. 

With united endpoint protection technology, employers can manage secure policies such as encryption, passcodes, data loss, prevention, remote lock and wipe and patch management to keep data protected across all users. Having an MDM solution isn’t an option anymore it’s a necessity. Rare are the times you can find your entire company in the office on the same day and same time.

In today’s world, cloud-based platforms like Office 365 allow team members to connect to the company network simply with a Wi-Fi connection. Although this kind of accessibility has a great deal of benefits it’s important to secure yourself to prevent everyday disasters. 

Other Benefits

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Along with safer remote access, MDM keeps your organization’s data protected and ensures you retain control over confidential information. This platform provides access control, application management and multi-platform endpoint management. This helps if a mobile device is lost or stolen. 

MDM can remotely lock and wipe all data. It also protects your company from the ongoing threats of malwares and data breaches by blocking unsafe websites and material from use. It’s almost impossible to police what sites your team members are surfing so let your Managed Service Provider (MSP) do it for you.

Additionally, mobile application management can also be implemented to control access to company data based on what mobile apps are on your phone, what apps aren’t, and what apps you as a business want to permit your employees to access and use. MDM solutions through your Managed Service Provider (MSP) ensure mobile security takes that weight off your shoulders, so you’re not concerned about cybersecurity when you have other things to worry about.

There is no shortage of devices in today’s business world. Are you looking to implement a Mobile Device Management Solution in your organization? Contact The TNS Group today to get started.

Categories: Managed Service Provider, MSP Blogs