Data is the most vital asset to any organization. Despite the rise in natural and human related disasters in the last few years, Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) are still not given the attention they deserve. I equate that to its title, with the operative word being “disaster.”

What if there is another category 3 hurricane, an impending blizzard or a burst water pipe on the floor above that could destroy your hardware? How are you going to recover your company’s data and get your business up and running again?

Disasters can mean anything from a hurricane or flood to a power outage or theft. We all remember the impact of hurricanes Sandy and Irene. When a disaster or outage occurs, organizations often struggle to recover systems and applications needed to perform everyday operations, which results in a loss of information and revenue.

Most people think that the odds of getting “struck by lightning” or having their business impacted by a natural disaster are slim to none and they don’t see the value in investing in a DR solution.

According to the Oracle Users Group Survey, network outages and human error account for 50% and 45% of downtime, respectively.  Meanwhile, natural disasters account for 10%. Based on data volume, 58% of losses are caused by human error and are not planned for.  When discussing DR and BCP, businesses should focus more on their own employees and less on natural disasters.

What is the cost of downtime? That depends on the size of your organization and how fast you can recover. According to a report conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC), network downtime costs 80% of small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) at least $20,000 per hour.

For 20% of those SMBs, one hour of downtime can cost at least $100,000.  Without a proper BDR (Backup and Disaster Recovery) solution, one human error can prove to be more than costly and in some cases it can close businesses.

Businesses need to focus on the “everyday disasters,” which can destroy your data faster than any fire or flood ever could. Your data could disappear at any moment. It will be so quick and so unexpected that you won’t even know what happened.

Contact The TNS Group today to discuss the best all-inclusive DR/BC plan, encompassing both Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity for your business.

Categories: Managed Service Provider, MSP Blogs